MĀORI futures a political football in ets debate
“Māori are tired. We are tired of being ignored by our Treaty partner. Tired of being treated like a political football in a game designed for other’s ideological agendas. Tired of being told how we should use what little land not stolen from us to suit someone else’s view of how to get re-elected and maybe save the planet.” Click here for the full article.
Te Kapunga Dewes is Chair of Ngā Pou a Tāne, the National Māori Forestry Association, and CE of Whenua Oho Limited. Of Ngati Porou, Te Arawa and Te Whakatohea, Te Kapunga was named the New Zealand Forester of the Year 2023.

On 11 and 12 May, Ngā Pou a Tāne (The National Māori Forestry Association) hosted the first ever National Māori Forestry Summit. The purpose of the national summit was to bring together Māori leaders from across country to inform a National Māori Forestry Strategy – a national vision and strategic intent for our collective ngahere, forests, forestry and wood processing. Click here for more details.

toitū te whenua, toitū ngā hua o tāne
Transition Forest Analysis Report.
Inclusion of exotics in the permanent category of the ETS is a necessary and complementary land use option that opens the pathway for Māori to sustainably develop our land. Nōku te whenua, kei ahau te kōrero; Nōku te whenua, ko au te rangatira.

Wānanga Bites

"We, as Māori, have a spiritual connection with our lands and the forests, flora and fauna that flourish on them"